These trips have been going on for the last 40 years. Each time you travel with the YTC you are helping projects in the mission.
These trips have been going on for the last 40 years. Each time you travel with the YTC you are helping projects in the mission.
Dawn il- vjaġġi ilhom isiru għal dawn l-aħħar 40 sena. Kull darba li ssiefer mal- YTC tkun qiegħed tgħin proġetti fil-missjoni.
If you ask me how many countries I’ve been to, I’ll say “There is a long way to go but I’ve been around quite a few” Travelling has been on top of my wish list since I was a child. The very first promise I did to myself, (you know how it is when you are young and you start day dreaming!) was not to be a mum, to get married to the man I love or to have a nice house but to travel around the world before I die. My whole life has always been moving at a fast pace, and the only time when I feel myself, detached and normal is when I am far, far away.